
How we can help you

With algorithmic tools that increase automation level, quality, and time-to-market, we give OEMs and Tier1s a competitive advantage in the design of E/E architectures. Our technologies provides practical answers to problems such as creating “future-proof” E/E architectures, increased system complexity and criticality, dynamically evolving QoS requirements and hardware resource optimization. Cognifyer enhances your design flow through algorithmic tools like generative design, deep-learning, design-space exploration and cognification. Our expertise:

  • Generative Design – algorithmic tools that create candidate solutions based on design goals, constraints and guidelines

  • Cognification – capture the knowledge specific to your industrial domain and your company into algorithms and processes

  • Synthetic Data – generating artificial yet realistic data to predict future communication and computation needs

  • Verification – automated timing and safety verification using fault injection on models and formal verification.

  • Business model – take advantage of how AI-driven innovation will re-shape the roles of OEMs, tier1 and tool vendors

Cognifyer is a tech startup out of the University of Luxembourg and a sister company of RealTime-at-Work (RTaW), a leading provider of embedded network design tools in the automotive and aerospace domains. Cognifyer develops technologies, software IP blocks and complete automated design flows at the stage of maturity you need: concept, proof-of-concept implementation, pilot or production.

“The greatest achievement of our technology may well be the creation of tools that allow us to go beyond engineering, that allow us to create more than we understand.”

DANNY HILLIS, Entrepreneur, Scientist, and Writer

“AI’s greatest economic impact will come from its potential as a new method of invention that ultimately reshapes the nature of the innovation process and the organization of R&D”

Iain M. Cockburn, Rebecca Henderson, Scott Stern, NBER working paper 24449

“Artificial intelligence in the corporate world may still be in its infancy. But knowing where AI innovation is headed and understanding how to integrate AI into your organisation, will very soon make the difference between winning and losing.”

Pete Trainor, CEO Vala Health & author

Why Cognifyer ?

We provide your projects with the necessary trifecta for successful algorithm-based innovation:

  • Domain expertise – E/E architectures, next-generation applications, hardware and software technologies, safety approaches

  • Algorithm expertise – configuration, verification, optimization, design-space exploration, conventional machine learning and deep-learning

  • Computing power – specialized high-performance computing architecture tailored to the project-specific algorithms

They trust us

Cognifyer technology is used to design automobiles, trucks, airplanes and industrial systems – see our references.

Cognifyer builds on 20+ years of research works and technology transfer, on the experience gathered at RealTime-at-Work (RTaW) serving industry leaders since 2007 as well as the experience of CPAL, a low-code model-driven development platform for CPS developed since 2012.

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